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What we do


Our mission is simple: to encourage, nurture, and support music.  SAI includes social and philanthropic events, but at its basis it’s a professional fraternity with the specific purpose of promoting music locally and worldwide. 


Sigma Gamma was installed on April 23, 1924 at the University of Tulsa and has been a continuous presence on campus ever since.  Our members include music performers, educators, and composers; our majors range from music performance and education to philosophy, media studies, and chemical engineering.  

90 years in Tulsa

Sisters for life


Tulsa is lucky to to have an Alumnae Chapter and a Patroness Chapter in addition to our collegiate chapter.  We are proud of our close relationship with these women, who support us and who are excellent examples of musicianship, service, and sisterhood.


Chapter Officers 2013-2014


Britelle Chandler | President

Hope Forsyth | Vice President, Membership

Helen Patterson | Vice President, Ritual

Alex Chong | Secretary

Victoria Steinhart | Treasurer

Kelly Bezan | Sergeant-At-Arms

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